Table Designer extension
Added in version 2.11.
The CKAN Table Designer extension is a data ingestion and enforced-validation tool that:
uses the CKAN DataStore database as the primary data source
allows rows to be updated without re-loading all data
builds data schemas with custom types and constraints in the Data Dictionary form
enables referencing other tables with simple and composite primary keys
enforces validation with PostgreSQL triggers for almost any business logic desired
works with existing DataStore APIs for integration with other applications:
to create or update the data schemadatastore_upsert()
to create or update rowsdatastore_records_delete()
to delete rows
expands resource DataStore API documentation for updating and deleting with examples from live data
creates a DataTables view for interactive searching and selection of existing rows
provides web forms for:
creating or updating individual rows with interactive validation
deleting one or more existing rows with confirmation
integrates with ckanext-excelforms to use a spreadsheet application for:
bulk uploading thousands of rows
batch updating hundreds of existing rows
immediate validation/required field feedback while entering data
verifying data against validation rules server-side without uploading
works with ckanext-dsaudit to track changes to rows and data schemas
Table Designer vs. resource uploads and links
With uploaded and linked resources the DataStore may contain a copy of the original file data. This copy is deleted and re-loaded when the original file changes. Often there is no data schema other than field types that are detected or overridden by the user. If the original data contains an incompatible type or the type is detected incorrectly the data loading process will fail leaving the DataStore empty.
Table Designer instead uses the CKAN DataStore as the primary source of data.
Rows can be individually created, updated and removed. Type validation and constraints are enforced so bad data can’t be mixed with good data. Primary keys are guaranteed to be unique enabling links between resources.
This makes Table Designer resources well suited for data that is incrementally updated such as reference data, vocabularies and time series data.
Setting up Table Designer
1. Enable the plugin
Add the tabledesigner
plugin to your CKAN config file before the datatables_view
and datastore
ckan.plugins = … tabledesigner datatables_view datastore …
2. Set-up DataStore
If you haven’t already, follow the instructions in Setting up the DataStore
Creating a Table Designer resource
When creating a resource select “Data: Table Designer”. This will automatically create an empty DataStore table and a DataTables view.

After saving your resource navigate to the Data Dictionary form to start creating fields.

Creating fields with the Data Dictionary
A newly created resource will have no fields defined. Use the “Add Field” button in the Data Dictionary form to add fields for your data.
Customize each field with an ID, an obligation, a label and description.
All fields must have an ID. The ID is used as the column name in the DataStore database. PostgreSQL requires that column names start with a letter and be no longer than 31 characters.
The field ID is used to identify fields in the API and when exporting data in CSV or other formats.
We recommend using a single convention for all IDs e.g. lowercase_with_underscores
simplify accessing data from external systems.
The field obligation defaults to optional.
- Optional
no restrictions
- Required
may not be NULL or blank
- Primary Key
required and guaranteed unique within the table
When multiple fields are marked as primary keys the combination of values in each row is used to determine uniqueness.
The field label is a human-friendly version of the ID, used when displaying data in the data table preview, the data dictionary, in forms and in Excel templates.
The field description is markdown displayed in the data dictionary, as help text forms and in Excel templates.
Field Types
Table Designer offers some common fields types by default. To customize the types available see Customizing Table Designer Column Types and Constraints.

Text fields contain a string of any length.
A pattern constraint is available to restrict text field using a regular expression. When a pattern is changed the new pattern applies to all new rows and rows being updated, not existing rows.
When used as part of a primary key, text values will have surrounding whitespace removed automatically.
Choice fields are text fields that limit the user to selecting one of a set of options defined.
Enter the options into the Choices box, one option per line.
If an option is removed from the Choices box that exists in the data, the next time that row is updated it will need to be changed to one of the current options for the change to be accepted.
Email Address
Email Address fields are text fields limited to a single valid email address according to
URI is a text field used for links (URLs) or other Uniform Resource Identifier values
Universally unique identifier
A UUID field is a 128-bit value written as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits in groups separated by hyphens.
Values are always returned in standard form, e.g.:
Numeric fields are exact decimal values with up to 131072 digits before the decimal point and 16383 digits after the decimal point.
Minimum and maximum constraints may be set to limit the range of values accepted, e.g. setting the minimum to 0 would prevent negative numbers from being entered.
Integer fields are 64-bit integer values with a range of -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
Minimum and maximum constraints may be set to limit the range of values accepted, e.g. setting the minimum to 0 would prevent negative numbers from being entered.
Boolean fields may be set to either TRUE or FALSE.
JSON fields may contain any valid JSON and will retain the whitespace and order of keys passed.
Date fields accept any YYYY-MM-DD
value from 4713 BCE to 5874897 CE.
Minimum and maximum constraints may be set to limit the range of values accepted.
Timestamp fields accept any YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss
value from 4713 BCE to 294276 CE.
Minimum and maximum constraints may be set to limit the range of values accepted.
Creating and updating rows with the web form
Table Designer offers a web form for interactively creating or updating individual rows.
The fields you define generate the web forms. Labels for fields are shown instead of ids when given, and field descriptions are displayed as help text and may include markdown with links, tables or other information.

The field type determines the input widget shown for each field. For custom types and input widgets see: Customizing Table Designer Column Types and Constraints
Creating rows
Above the data table preview click the “Add row” button to create a row.
Updating rows
In the data table preview select a row by clicking on it, then click the “Edit row” button above the table.
Validation errors
Errors will appear on the form after clicking “Save” if any values fail validation or cause conflicts with existing rows.

Correct the highlighted errors and click “Save” again.
Creating and updating rows with ckanext-excelforms
ckanext-excelforms is an extension for Table
Designer that allows using Excel templates to edit hundreds or create thousands of rows at
a time. Install ckanext-excelforms
and add excelforms
to your list of plugins before
the tabledesigner
ckan.plugins = … excelforms tabledesigner datatables_view datastore …
Creating and updating rows
Below the data preview under “Table Designer” click the “Excel template” button to download
a clean template xlsx
file. Open the template in Excel, LibreOffice, Google Docs or other
Excel-compatible spreadsheet application.

The template header (here “Bicycle Counters”) is set based on the resource name. Each column corresponds to one of the fields defined. Enter data into the rows starting right of the “▶”.
Use “paste special: values only” when pasting data into the template or the error highlighting and column formatting will be removed.
Click one of the column titles or the “reference” sheet to jump to a reference tab with information about the field including descriptions and constraints. Click on the field name in the reference to jump back to the data.

Required cells missing data will appear with a blue background while entering data. Cells with invalid values will appear with a red background.

Duplicate primary keys (row 22), values outside the range constraints (row 24), values not present in choices (row 27) and values in an invalid format (row 29) are highlighted as errors.
Click the thin border cells along the left (column A) or along the top under the field names (row 3) to jump directly to the next error or missing value in that row/column. This is useful when navigating a large template to quickly find errors or missing values.
Once errors are corrected, save the template and upload it with the file selection input next to the “Excel template” button below the preview.
Click “Submit” to upload the data or “Check for Errors” to validate the data server-side without creating or updating rows.
If you have primary key fields defined, rows submitted here will replace values for rows with the same primary key in the DataStore database.
Editing existing rows
Select the rows to edit in the data table preview then click “Edit in Excel” above the table to download an Excel template populated with data.

This template is just like the clean one above except:
the template includes a read-only
column at the leftthe template has no additional rows for adding data
only the selected rows may be edited
Make changes to the rows in the template then save it and upload it with the file selection input next to the “Excel template” button below the preview. Click “Submit”.
Deleting rows
Select one or more rows in the data table preview then click “Delete rows” above the table.

Click “Delete” to confirm deletion of the data shown.
Tracking changes with ckanext-dsaudit
Use ckanext-dsaudit
with the activity plugin to track changes to Table Designer schemas
and data inserted and deleted from DataStore resources.
Install ckanext-dsaudit
and add dsaudit
to your list of plugins
before the activity
ckan.plugins = … dsaudit activity …
Data Dictionary changes
takes a snapshot of the Data Dictionary any time fields
are added or changed and adds it to the dataset activity feed.

Inserted rows
captures the total number of rows inserted or updated and
a sample of the values inserted and adds them to the dataset activity feed.

Deleted rows
captures the total number of rows deleted and a sample
of the values deleted and adds them to the dataset activity feed.