Configuration Options
The functionality and features of CKAN can be modified using many different configuration options. These are generally set in the CKAN configuration file, but some of them can also be set via Environment variables or at runtime.
Looking for the available configuration options? Jump to CKAN configuration file.
Environment variables
Some of the CKAN configuration options can be defined as Environment variables on the server operating system.
These are generally low-level critical settings needed when setting up the application, like the database connection, the Solr server URL, etc. Sometimes it can be useful to define them as environment variables to automate and orchestrate deployments without having to first modify the CKAN configuration file.
These options are only read at startup time to update the config
object used by CKAN,
but they won’t be accessed any more during the lifetime of the application.
CKAN environment variable names match the options in the configuration file, but they are always uppercase and prefixed with CKAN_ (this prefix is added even if the corresponding option in the ini file does not have it), and replacing dots with underscores.
This is the list of currently supported environment variables, please refer to the entries in the CKAN configuration file section below for more details about each one:
CONFIG_FROM_ENV_VARS: dict[str, str] = {
'sqlalchemy.url': 'CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL',
'ckan.datastore.write_url': 'CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL',
'ckan.datastore.read_url': 'CKAN_DATASTORE_READ_URL',
'ckan.redis.url': 'CKAN_REDIS_URL',
'solr_url': 'CKAN_SOLR_URL',
'solr_user': 'CKAN_SOLR_USER',
'solr_password': 'CKAN_SOLR_PASSWORD',
'ckan.site_id': 'CKAN_SITE_ID',
'ckan.site_url': 'CKAN_SITE_URL',
'ckan.storage_path': 'CKAN_STORAGE_PATH',
'ckan.datapusher.url': 'CKAN_DATAPUSHER_URL',
'smtp.server': 'CKAN_SMTP_SERVER',
'smtp.starttls': 'CKAN_SMTP_STARTTLS',
'smtp.user': 'CKAN_SMTP_USER',
'smtp.password': 'CKAN_SMTP_PASSWORD',
'smtp.mail_from': 'CKAN_SMTP_MAIL_FROM',
'ckan.max_resource_size': 'CKAN_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_MB'
Updating configuration options during runtime
CKAN configuration options are generally defined before starting the web application (either in the CKAN configuration file or via Environment variables).
A limited number of configuration options can also be edited during runtime. This can be done on the
administration interface or using the config_option_update()
API action. Only sysadmins can edit these runtime-editable configuration options. Changes made to these configuration options will be stored in the database and persisted when the server is restarted.
Extensions can add (or remove) configuration options to the ones that can be edited at runtime. For more details on how to do this check Making configuration options runtime-editable.
Config declaration
Tracking down all the possible config options in your CKAN site can be a challenging task. CKAN itself and its extensions change over time, deprecating features and providing new ones, which means that some new config options may be introduced, while other options no longer have any effect. In order to keep track of all valid config options, CKAN uses config declarations.
CKAN itself declares all the config options that are used throught the
code base (You can see the core config declarations in
the ckan/config/config_declaration.yaml
file). This allows to validate the
current configuration against the declaration, or check which config
options in the CKAN config file are not declared (and might have no effect).
Declaring config options
Starting from CKAN 2.11, CKAN will log a warning every time a non-declared configuration option is accessed. To prevent this, declare the configuration options offered by your extension using the methods below
Using a text file (JSON, YAML or TOML)
The recommended way of declaring config options is using the
. It allows you to
write less code and define your config options using JSON, YAML, or TOML (if the toml
package is installed inside your virtual environment). That is how CKAN
declares config options for all its built-in plugins, like datastore
To use it, decorate the plugin with the config_declarations
import ckan.plugins as p
import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk
class MyExt(p.SingletonPlugin):
Next, create a file config_declaration.yaml at the root directory of your
extension: ckanext/my_ext/config_declaration.yaml
. You can use the .json
or .toml extension instead of .yaml.
Here is an example of the config declaration file. All the comments are added only for explanation and you don’t need them in the real file:
# schema version of the config declaration. At the moment, the only valid value is `1`
version: 1
# an array of configuration blocks. Each block has an "annotation", that
# describes the block, and the list of options. These groups help to separate
# config options visually, but they have no extra meaning.
# short text that describes the group. It can be shown in the config file
# as following:
# ## MyExt settings ##################
# some.option = some.value
# another.option = another.value
- annotation: MyExt settings
# an array of actual declarations
# The only required item in the declaration is `key`. `key` defines the
# name of the config option
- key: my_ext.flag.do_something
# default value, used when the option is missing from the config file.
default: false
# import path of the function that must be called in order to get the
# default value. This can be used when the default value can be obtained from
# an environment variable, database or any other external source.
# IMPORTANT: use either `default` or `default_callable`, not both at the same time
default_callable: ckanext.my_ext.utils:function_that_returns_default
# Example of value that can be used for given option. If the config
# option is missing from the config file, `placeholder` IS IGNORED. It
# has only demonstration purpose. Good uses of `placeholder` are:
# examples of secrets, examples of DB connection string.
# IMPORTANT: do not use `default` and `placeholder` at the same
# time. `placeholder` should be used INSTEAD OF the `default`
# whenever you think it has a sense.
placeholder: false
# import path of the function that must be called in order to get the
# placeholder value. Basically, same as `default_callable`, but it
# produces the value of `placeholder`.
# IMPORTANT: use either `placeholder` or `placeholder_callable`, not both at the same time
placeholder_callable: ckanext.my_ext.utils:function_that_returns_placeholder
# A dictionary with keyword-arguments that will be passed to
# `default_callable` or `placeholder_callable`. As mentioned above,
# only one of these options may be used at the same time, so
# `callable_args` can be used by any of these options without a conflict.
arg_1: 20
arg_2: "hello"
# an alternative example of a valid value for option. Used only in
# CKAN documentation, thus has no value for extensions.
example: some-valid-value
# an explanation of the effect that option has. Don't hesistate to
# put as much details here as possible
description: |
Nullam eu ante vel est convallis dignissim. Fusce suscipit, wisi
nec facilisis facilisis, est dui fermentum leo, quis tempor
ligula erat quis odio. Nunc porta vulputate tellus. Nunc rutrum
turpis sed pede. Sed bibendum. Aliquam posuere. Nunc aliquet,
augue nec adipiscing interdum, lacus tellus malesuada massa, quis
varius mi purus non odio. Pellentesque condimentum, magna ut
suscipit hendrerit, ipsum augue ornare nulla, non luctus diam
neque sit amet urna. Curabitur vulputate vestibulum lorem.
Fusce sagittis, libero non molestie mollis, magna orci ultrices
dolor, at vulputate neque nulla lacinia eros. Sed id ligula quis
est convallis tempor. Curabitur lacinia pulvinar nibh. Nam a
# a space-separated list of validators, applied to the value of option.
validators: not_missing boolean_validator
# shortcut for the most common option types. It adds type validators to the option.
# If both, `type` and `validators` are set, validators from `type` are added first,
# then validators from `validators` are appended.
# Valid types are: bool, int, list, dynamic (see below for more information on dynamic
# options)
type: bool
# boolean flag that marks config option as experimental. Such options are hidden from
# examples of configuration or any other auto-generated output. But they are declared,
# thus can be validated and do not produce undeclared-warning. Use it for options that
# are not stable and may be removed from your extension before the public release
experimental: true
# boolean flag that marks config option as ignored. Can be used for options that are set
# programmatically. This flag means that there is no sense in setting this option, because
# it will be overriden or won't be used at all.
ignored: true
# boolean flag that marks config option as hidden. Used for options that should not be set
# inside config file or anyhow used by others. Often this flag is used for options
# that are added by Flask core or its extensions.
internal: true
# boolean flag that marks config option as required. Doesn't have a special effect for now,
# but may prevent application from startup in future, so use it only on options that
# are essential for your plugin and that have no sensible default value.
required: true
# boolean flag that marks config option as editable. Doesn't have a special effect for now.
# It's recommended to enable this flag for options that are editable via AdminUI.
editable: true
# boolean flag that marks option as commented. Such options are added
# as comments to the config file generated from template.
commented: true
# Deprecated name of the option. Can be used for options that were renamed.
# When `key` is missing from config and `legacy_key` is available, the value of
# `legacy_key` is used, printing a deprecation warning in the logs.
legacy_key: my_ext.legacy.flag.do_something
The IConfigDeclaration
The IConfigDeclaration
interface is
available to plugins that want more control on how their own config options are declared.
New config options can only be declared inside the
method. This
method accepts two arguments: a Declaration
object that contains all the declarations, and a Key
helper, which allows to declare more unusual config options.
A very basic config option may be declared in this way:
which just means that extension my_ext
makes use of a config option named
. If we want to define the default value for this option
we can write:
declaration.declare("ckanext.my_ext.option", True)
The second parameter to
specifies the default
value of the declared option if it is not provided in the configuration file.
If a default value is not specified, it’s implicitly set to None
You can assign validators to a declared config option:
option = declaration.declare("ckanext.my_ext.option", True)
option.set_validators("not_missing boolean_validator")
accepts a string with the names of validators that must be applied to the config option.
These validators need to registered in CKAN core or in your own extension using
the IValidators
Declared default values are also passed to validators. In addition, different validators can be applied to the same option multiple times. This means that validators must be idempotent and that the default value itself must be valid for the given set of validators.
If you need to declare a lot of options, you can declare all of them at once loading a dict:
This allows to keep the configuration declaration in a separate file to make it easier to maintain if your plugin supports several config options.
takes only python dictionary as
argument. If you store the declaration in an external file like a
JSON, YAML file, you have to parse it into a Python dictionary
yourself or use corresponding
. Read
the following section for additional information.
Dynamic config options
There is a special option type, dynamic
. This option type is used for a set
of options that have common name-pattern. Because dynamic
type defines
multiple options, it has no default, validators and serves mostly documentation
purposes. Let’s use CKAN’s sqlalchemy.*
options as example. Every option
whose name follows the pattern sqlalchemy.SOMETHING
is passed to the
SQLAlchemy engine created by CKAN. CKAN doesn’t actually know which options
are valid and it’s up to you to provide valid values. Basically, we have a set
of options with prefix sqlalchemy.
. If use these options without declararing,
it will trigger warnings about using undeclared options, which are harmless but can be
annoying. Declaring them helps to make explicit which configuration options are actually being used.
In order to declare such set of options, put some label surrounded with angle
brackets instead of the dynamic part of option’s name. In our case it can be
or sqlalchemy.<anything>
. Any word can be used as
label, the only important part here are angle brackets:
- key: sqlalchemy.<OPTION>
type: dynamic
description: |
Custom sqlalchemy config parameters used to establish the main
database connection.
Use this feature sparsely, only when you really want to declare literally ANY value following the pattern. If you have finite set of possible options, consider declaring all of them, because it allows you to provide validators, defaults, and prevents you from accidental shadowing unrelated options.
Accessing config options
Using validators ensures that config values are normalized. Up until now you have probably seen code like this one:
is_enabled = toolkit.asbool(toolkit.config.get("ckanext.my_ext.enable", False))
Declaring this configuration option and assigning validators (convert_int,
boolean_validators) and a default value means that we can use the
instead of the expression above:
is_enabled = toolkit.config.get("ckanext.my_ext.enable")
This will ensure that:
If the value is not explicitly defined in the configuration file, the default one will be picked
This value is passed to the validators, and a valid value is returned
An attempt to use config.get()
with an undeclared config option
will print a warning to the logs and return the option value or None
as default.
Command line interface
The current configuration can be validated using the config declaration CLI:
ckan config validate
To get an example of the configuration for a given plugin, run ckan
config declaration <PLUGIN>
, eg:
ckan config declaration datastore
## Datastore settings ##########################################################
ckan.datastore.write_url = postgresql://ckan_default:pass@localhost/datastore_default
ckan.datastore.read_url = postgresql://datastore_default:pass@localhost/datastore_default
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled = false = 100 = 32000
# ckan.datastore.sqlalchemy.<OPTION> =
## PostgreSQL' full-text search parameters #####################################
ckan.datastore.default_fts_lang = english
ckan.datastore.default_fts_index_method = gist
To get an example of the declaration code itself in order to use it as a starting point in your own plugin, you can
run ckan config describe <PLUGIN>
, eg:
ckan config describe datapusher
# Output:
declaration.annotate('Datapusher settings')
declaration.declare(key.ckan.datapusher.formats, ...)
declaration.declare(key.ckan.datapusher.assume_task_stale_after, 3600).set_validators('convert_int')
You can output the config declaration in different formats, which is useful if you want to keep them separately:
ckan config describe datapusher --format=dict # python dict
ckan config describe datapusher --format=json # JSON file
ckan config describe datapusher --format=yaml # YAML file
ckan config describe datapusher --format=toml # TOML file
CKAN configuration file
From CKAN 2.9, by default, the configuration file is located at
. Previous releases the configuration file(s)
were: /etc/ckan/default/development.ini
. This section documents all of the config
file settings, for reference.
After editing your config file, you need to restart your webserver for the changes to take effect.
Unless otherwise noted, all configuration options should be set inside
the [app:main]
section of the config file (i.e. after the [app:main]
use = egg:Paste#http
host =
port = 5000
# This setting will not work, because it's outside of [app:main].
ckan.site_logo = /images/masaq.png
# This setting will work.
ckan.plugins = stats text_view datatables_view
If the same option is set more than once in your config file, exeption will be raised and CKAN application will not start
Default settings
debug = true
Default value: False
This enables the Flask-DebugToolbar in the web interface, makes Webassets serve unminified JS and CSS files, and enables CKAN templates’ debugging features.
You will need to ensure the Flask-DebugToolbar
python package is installed,
by activating your ckan virtual environment and then running:
pip install -r /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/dev-requirements.txt
If you are running CKAN on Apache, you must change the WSGI
configuration to run a single process of CKAN. Otherwise
the execution will fail with: AssertionError: The EvalException
middleware is not usable in a multi-process environment
. Eg. change:
WSGIDaemonProcess ckan_default display-name=ckan_default processes=2 threads=15
WSGIDaemonProcess ckan_default display-name=ckan_default threads=15
This option should be set to False
for a public site.
With debug mode enabled, a visitor to your site could execute malicious
General settings
Default value: none
This is the secret token that is used by security related tasks by CKAN and its extensions.
ckan generate config
generates a unique
value for this each time it generates a config file. Alternatively you can generate one with
the following command:
python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(20))"
When used in a cluster environment, the value must be the same on every machine.
If not provided, for backwards compatibility with earlier configurations the value of
will be used.
ckan.legacy_route_mappings = {"home": "home.index", "about": "home.about", "search": ""}
Default value: {}
This can be used when using an extension that is still using old (Pylons-based) route names to maintain compatibility.
This configuration will be removed when the migration to Flask is completed. Please update the extension code to use the new Flask-based route names.
config.mode = strict
Default value: strict
This configuration option has no effect starting from CKAN 2.11. The
default behaviour going forward is the old strict
mode, where CKAN will not
start unless all config options are valid according to the validators defined in the
configuration declaration. For every invalid config option, an error will be
printed to the output stream.
Development settings
Example: =
Default value: localhost
Host name to use when running the development server.
ckan.devserver.port = 5005
Default value: 5000
Port to use when running the development server.
ckan.devserver.threaded = true
Default value: False
Controls whether the development server should handle each request in a separate thread.
ckan.devserver.multiprocess = 8
Default value: 1
If greater than 1 then the development server will handle each request in a new process, up to this maximum number of concurrent processes.
ckan.devserver.watch_patterns = mytheme/**/*.yaml mytheme/**/*.json
Default value: none
A list of files the reloader should watch to restart the development server, in addition to the Python modules (for example configuration files)
ckan.devserver.ssl_cert = path/to/host.cert
Default value: none
Path to a certificate file that will be used to enable SSL (ie to serve the local development server on https://localhost:5000). You can generate a self-signed certificate and key (see ckan.devserver.ssl_key) running the following commands:
openssl genrsa 2048 > host.key
chmod 400 host.key
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 3650 -key host.key > host.cert
After that you can run CKAN locally with SSL using this command:
ckan -c /path/to/ckan.ini run --ssl-cert=/path/to/host.cert --ssl-key=/path/to/host.key
Alternatively, setting this option to adhoc
will automatically generate a new
certificate file (on each server reload, which means that you’ll get a browser warning
about the certificate on each reload).
ckan.devserver.ssl_key = path/to/host.key
Default value: none
Path to a certificate file that will be used to enable SSL (ie to serve the
local development server on https://localhost:5000). See ckan.devserver.ssl_cert
for more details. This option also supports the adhoc
value, with the same caveat.
Session settings
Default value: 600
The number of seconds between requests to record the last time a user was active on the site.
Default value: cookie
Specifies which type of session interface to use. The default
value stores the session data inside a JSON-serialized signed
cookie. Alternatively, this can be set to any of the types
supported by Flask-Session
like redis
, filesystem
, etc. Keep in mind
that certaint session types require additional Python packages and configuration settings.
Setting a not supported value will raise an exception on startup.
Default value: session:
A prefix that is added before all session keys. This makes it possible to use the same backend storage server for different apps.
This option affects only server-side sessions. Cookie-based sessions ignore this option
Default value: False
Control whether the cookie is sent with every response when SESSION_PERMANENT is true. Sending the cookie every time can more reliably keep the session from expiring, but uses more bandwidth. Non-permanent sessions are not affected.
Default value: True
When disabled, session expires with the browser session. When enabled, session’s expiration time set to PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME seconds.
Default value: 31536000
If SESSION_PERMANENT is enabled, the session’s expiration will be set this number of seconds in the future. Note that you can not set a session that never expires (only very far into the future).
Default value: False
Whether to sign the session cookie sid or not.
This option affects only server-side sessions. Cookie-based sessions ignore this option
Database settings
sqlalchemy.url = postgres://tester:pass@localhost/ckantest3
Default value: none
This defines the database that CKAN is to use. The format is:
sqlalchemy.url = postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME
Default value: none
Custom sqlalchemy config parameters used to establish the main database connection.
To get the list of all the available properties check the SQLAlchemy documentation
Site Settings
ckan.site_url =
Default value: none
Set this to the URL of your CKAN site. Many CKAN features that need an absolute URL to your site use this setting.
This setting should only contain the protocol (e.g. http://
), host (e.g.
) and (optionally) the port (e.g. :8080
). In particular,
if you have mounted CKAN at a path other than /
then the mount point must
not be included in ckan.site_url
. Instead, you need to set
It is mandatory to complete this setting
This setting should not have a trailing / on the end.
apitoken_header_name = X-CKAN-API-TOKEN
Default value: Authorization
This allows to customize the name of the HTTP header used to provide the CKAN API
token. This is useful in some scenarios where using the default Authorization
causes problems.
ckan.cache_expires = 2592000
Default value: 0
This sets Cache-Control
header’s max-age value.
ckan.cache_enabled = true
Default value: False
This enables cache control headers on all requests. If the user is
not logged in and there is no session data a Cache-Control:
header will be added. For all other requests the
Cache-control: private
header will be added.
ckan.mimetype_guess = file_contents
Default value: file_ext
There are three options for guessing the mimetype of uploaded or linked resources: file_ext, file_contents, None.
will guess the mimetype by the url first, then the file extension.
will guess the mimetype by the file itself, this tends to be inaccurate.
will not store the mimetype for the resource.
ckan.static_max_age = 2592000
Default value: 3600
Controls CKAN static files’ cache max age, if we’re serving and caching them.
ckan.valid_url_schemes = http https ftp sftp
Default value: http https ftp
Controls what uri schemes are rendered as links.
ckan.requests.timeout = 10
Default value: 5
Defines how long (in seconds) requests calls should last before they will timeout.
ckan.hide_version = True
Default value: False
If set to True, CKAN will not publicly expose its version number.
CSRF Protection
Default value: True
Set to False to disable all CSRF protection.
Default value: True
When using the CSRF protection extension, this controls whether every view is protected by default.
Default value: none
Random data for generating secure tokens.
If not provided, the value of SECRET_KEY
will be used.
HTTP methods to protect from CSRF.
Default value: _csrf_token
Name of the form field and session key that holds the CSRF token.
Default value: X-CSRFToken X-CSRF-Token
HTTP headers to search for CSRF token when it is not provided in the form.
Default value: 3600
Max age in seconds for CSRF tokens. This value is capped by the lifetime of the session.
Default value: True
Whether to enforce the same origin policy by checking that the referrer matches the host. Only applies to HTTPS requests. Default is True.
Default value: True
Set to False to disable Flask-Babel I18N support. Also set to False if you want to use WTForms’s built-in messages directly, see more info here.
Default value: True
Exempt plugins blueprints from CSRF protection.
This feature will be deprecated in future versions.
API Token Settings
api_token.nbytes = 20
Default value: 32
Number of bytes used to generate unique id for API Token.
api_token.jwt.encode.secret = file:/path/to/private/key
Default value: none
A key suitable for the chosen algorithm(api_token.jwt.algorithm
for asymmetric algorithms(RS256): path to private key with
prefix. I.efile:/path/private/key
for symmetric algorithms(HS256): plain string, sufficiently long for security with
prefix. I.estring:123abc...
For symmetric algorithms this value must be identical to api_token.jwt.decode.secret. The algorithm used is controlled by the api_token.jwt.algorithm option.
Value must have prefix, which defines its type. Supported prefixes are:
- Plain string, will be used as is.file:
- Path to file. Content of the file will be used as key.
If not provided, "string:" + SECRET_KEY
is used.
api_token.jwt.decode.secret = file:/path/to/public/
Default value: none
A key suitable for the chosen algorithm(api_token.jwt.algorithm
for asymmetric algorithms(RS256): path to public key with
prefix. I.efile:/path/public/
for symmetric algorithms(HS256): plain string, sufficiently long for security with
prefix. I.estring:123abc...
For symmetric algorithms this value must be identical to api_token.jwt.encode.secret. The algorithm used is defined by the api_token.jwt.algorithm option.
Value must have prefix, which defines it’s type. Supported prefixes are:
- Plain string, will be used as is.file:
- Path to file. Content of the file will be used as key.
If not provided, "string:" + SECRET_KEY
is used.
api_token.jwt.algorithm = RS256
Default value: HS256
Algorithm to sign the token with, e.g. “ES256”, “RS256”
Depending on the algorithm, additional restrictions may apply to api_token.jwt.decode.secret and api_token.jwt.encode.secret. For example, RS256 implies that api_token.jwt.encode.secret contains RSA private key and api_token.jwt.decode.secret contains public key. Whereas HS256(default value) requires both api_token.jwt.decode.secret and api_token.jwt.encode.secret to have exactly the same value.
Search Settings
ckan.site_id = my_ckan_instance
Default value: default
CKAN uses Solr to index and search packages. The search index is
linked to the value of the ckan.site_id
, so if you have more than
one CKAN instance using the same solr_url, they will each have a
separate search index as long as their ckan.site_id
values are
different. If you are only running a single CKAN instance then this
can be ignored.
If you change this value, you need to rebuild the search index.
solr_url =
Default value: none
This configures the Solr server used for search. The Solr schema
found at that URL must be one of the ones in ckan/config/solr
(generally the most recent one). A check of the schema version number
occurs when CKAN starts.
Optionally, solr_user
and solr_password
can also be
configured to specify HTTP Basic authentication details for all Solr
If you change this value, you need to rebuild the search index.
Default value: none
User to use in HTTP Basic Authentication when connecting to Solr
Default value: none
Password to use in HTTP Basic Authentication when connecting to Solr
Default value: True
By default, deleted datasets are removed from the search index so are no
longer available in searches. To keep them in the search index, set this
setting to False
. This will enable the include_deleted
parameter in the ckan.logic.action.get.package_search()
API action.
Default value: True
Make ckan commit changes solr after every dataset update change. Turn this to false if on solr 4.0 and you have automatic (soft)commits enabled to improve dataset update/create speed (however there may be a slight delay before dataset gets seen in results).
Example: = ['bool', 'knn']
Default value: none
- Local parameters are not allowed when passing queries to Solr. An exception to this is when passing local parameters for special query parsers, that need to be enabled explicitly using this config option. For instance, the example provided would allow sending queries like the following::
search_params[“q”] = “{!bool must=test}…” search_params[“q”] = “{!knn field=vector topK=10}…”
Example: = dataset
Default value: dataset
Controls whether a search page (e.g. /dataset
) should also show
custom dataset types. The default is false
meaning that no search
page for any type will show other types. true
will show other types
on the /dataset
search page. Any other value (e.g. dataset
will be treated as a dataset type and that type’s search
page will show datasets of all types.
Default value: True
Controls whether the default search page (/dataset
) should include
private datasets visible to the current user or only public datasets
visible to everyone.
Example: = name asc
Default value: score desc, metadata_modified desc
Controls whether the default search page (/dataset
) should different sorting parameter by default when the request does not specify sort.
search.facets.limit = 100
Default value: 50
Sets the default number of searched facets returned in a query.
search.facets.default = 10
Default value: 10
Default number of facets shown in search results.
ckan.extra_resource_fields = alt_url
Default value: none
List of the extra resource fields that would be used when searching.
Example: = 1000
Default value: 1000
Maximum allowed value for rows returned. Specifically this limits:
’s number of datasets returned when specifyinginclude_datasets=true
ckan.group_and_organization_list_max = 1000
Default value: 1000
Maximum number of groups/organizations returned when listing them. Specifically this limits:
ckan.group_and_organization_list_all_fields_max = 100
Default value: 25
Maximum number of groups/organizations returned when listing them in detail. Specifically this limits:
solr_timeout = 120
Default value: 60
The option defines the timeout in seconds until giving up on a request. Raising this value might help you if you encounter a timeout exception.
Redis Settings
ckan.redis.url = redis://localhost:7000/1
Default value: redis://localhost:6379/0
URL to your Redis instance, including the database to be used.
CORS Settings
ckan.cors.origin_allow_all = true
Default value: False
This setting must be present to enable CORS. If True, all origins
will be allowed (the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin is
set to ‘*’). If False, only origins from the
setting will be allowed.
ckan.cors.origin_whitelist =
Default value: none
A space separated list of allowable origins. This setting is used when ckan.cors.origin_allow_all = False
Plugins Settings
ckan.plugins = activity scheming_datasets datatables_view datastore xloader
Default value: none
Specify which CKAN plugins are to be enabled.
If you specify a plugin but have not installed the code, CKAN will not start.
Format as a space-separated list of the plugin names. The plugin name
is the key in the [ckan.plugins]
section of the extension’s
. For more information on plugins and extensions, see
Extending guide.
The order of the plugin names in the configuration file influences the order that CKAN will load the plugins in. As long as each plugin class is implemented in a separate Python module (i.e. in a separate Python source code file), the plugins will be loaded in the order given in the configuration file.
When multiple plugins are implemented in the same Python module, CKAN will process the plugins in the order that they’re given in the config file, but as soon as it reaches one plugin from a given Python module, CKAN will load all plugins from that Python module, in the order that the plugin classes are defined in the module.
For simplicity, we recommend implementing each plugin class in its own Python module.
Plugin loading order can be important, for example for plugins that add custom template files: templates found in template directories added earlier will override templates in template directories added later.
Fix CKAN’s plugin loading order to simply load all plugins in the order they’re given in the config file, regardless of which Python modules they’re implemented in.
ckan.download_proxy = http://proxy:3128
Default value: none
Specifies a HTTP proxy to be used by extensions such as Resource Proxy, XLoader or Archiver when downloading remote files. This may be useful for enabling access to restricted network locations, or restricting access to privileged ones, eg preventing Server Side Request Forgery. It will not be used by CKAN core.
Front-End Settings
ckan.site_title = Open Data Scotland
Default value: CKAN
This sets the name of the site, as displayed in the CKAN web interface.
ckan.site_description = The easy way to get, use and share data
Default value: none
This is for a description, or tag line for the site, as displayed in the header of the CKAN web interface.
ckan.site_intro_text = Nice introductory paragraph about CKAN or the site in general.
Default value: none
This is for an introductory text used in the default template’s index page.
ckan.site_logo = /images/ckan_logo_fullname_long.png
Default value: /base/images/ckan-logo.png
This sets the logo used in the title bar.
ckan.site_about = A _community-driven_ catalogue of _open data_ for the Greenfield area.
Default value: none
Format tips:
multiline strings can be used by indenting following lines
the format is Markdown
Whilst the default text is translated into many languages
(switchable in the page footer), the text in this configuration
option will not be translatable. For this reason, it’s better to
overload the snippet in home/snippets/about_text.html
. For more
information, see Theming guide.
ckan.theme = my-extension/theme-asset
Default value: css/main
With this option, instead of using the default css/main asset with the theme, you can use your own.
ckan.favicon =
Default value: /base/images/ckan.ico
This sets the site’s favicon. This icon is usually displayed by the browser in the tab heading and bookmark.
ckan.datasets_per_page = 10
Default value: 20
This controls the pagination of the dataset search results page. This is the maximum number of datasets viewed per page of results.
package_hide_extras = my_private_field other_field
Default value: none
This sets a space-separated list of extra field key values which will not be shown on the dataset read page.
While this is useful to e.g. create internal notes, it is not a security measure. The keys will still be available via the API and in revision diffs.
Default value: none
The public key for your reCAPTCHA account, for example:
ckan.recaptcha.publickey = 6Lc...-KLc
To get a reCAPTCHA account, sign up at:
Default value: none
The private key for your reCAPTCHA account, for example:
ckan.recaptcha.privatekey = 6Lc...-jP
Setting both ckan.recaptcha.publickey and ckan.recaptcha.privatekey adds captcha to the user registration form. This has been effective at preventing bots registering users and creating spam packages.
ckan.featured_groups = group_one
Default value: none
Defines a list of group names or group ids. This setting is used to display a group and datasets on the home page in the default templates (1 group and 2 datasets are displayed).
ckan.featured_orgs = org_one
Default value: none
Defines a list of organization names or ids. This setting is used to display an organization and datasets on the home page in the default templates (1 group and 2 datasets are displayed).
ckan.default_group_sort = name
Default value: title
Defines if some other sorting is used in group_list and organization_list by default when the request does not specify sort.
ckan.gravatar_default = disabled
Default value: identicon
This controls the default gravatar style. Gravatar is used by default when a user has not set a custom profile picture,
but it can be turn completely off by setting this option to “disabled”. In that case, a placeholder image will be shown
instead, which can be customized overriding the templates/user/snippets/placeholder.html
ckan.debug_supress_header = false
Default value: False
This configs if the debug information showing the controller and action receiving the request being is shown in the header.
This info only shows if debug is set to True.
Default value: none
Custom CSS directives to include on all CKAN pages.
Resource Views Settings
ckan.views.default_views = image_view webpage_view datatables_view
Default value: image_view datatables_view
Defines the resource views that should be created by default when creating or updating a dataset. From this list only the views that are relevant to a particular resource format will be created. This is determined by each individual view.
If not present (or commented), the default value is used. If left empty, no default views are created.
You must have the relevant view plugins loaded on the ckan.plugins
setting to be able to create the default views, eg::
ckan.plugins = image_view webpage_view geo_view datatables_view …
ckan.views.default_views = image_view webpage_view datatables_view
Theming Settings
ckan.template_title_delimiter = |
Default value: -
This sets the delimiter between the site’s subtitle (if there’s one) and its title, in HTML’s <title>
extra_template_paths = /home/okfn/brazil_ckan_config/templates
Default value: none
Use this option to specify where CKAN should look for additional
templates, before reverting to the ckan/templates
folder. You can
supply more than one folder, separating the paths with a comma (,).
For more information on theming, see Theming guide.
extra_public_paths = /home/okfn/brazil_ckan_config/public
Default value: none
To customise the display of CKAN you can supply replacements for
static files such as HTML, CSS, script and PNG files. Use this option
to specify where CKAN should look for additional files, before
reverting to the ckan/public
folder. You can supply more than one
folder, separating the paths with a comma (,).
For more information on theming, see Theming guide.
ckan.base_public_folder = public
Default value: public
This config option is used to configure the base folder for static files used
by CKAN core. Starting CKAN 2.11 it only accepts: public
as a value.
(This variable is kept for backwards compatibility when updating Bootstrap
ckan.base_templates_folder = templates
Default value: templates
This config option is used to configure the base folder for templates used
by CKAN core. Starting CKAN 2.11 it only accepts: templates
as a value.
(This variable is kept for backwards compatibility when updating Bootstrap
Default value: dataset
Default type of dataset that will be used in the UI links (eg. “New Dataset”).
Use this option to change the dataset type that is used site-wide. Only existing dataset types can be used as a value for this option. Upon setting a custom value, the following happens:
all new datasets have their
field set to the custom value(if no explicit value provided)all labels(e.g. “Create a Dataset”, “My datasets”, “Search datasets..”) are adapted to the custom value
all default links(e.g.
) are adapted to the custom value
If labels require additional changes, register a chained helpers for humanize_entity_type()
For example, setting a dataset type camel_photo
as default, will turn the “Datasets” link in the header into
“Camel-photos”. If “Camel Photos” is expected, the code below can be used:
def humanize_entity_type(next_helper: Callable[..., Any],
entity_type: str, object_type: str, purpose: str):
if purpose == "main nav":
return "Camel Photos"
return next_helper(entity_type, object_type, purpose)
See humanize_entity_type()
for additional details.
Default value: group
Default type of group that used in UI links(eg. “New Group” button, “Groups” link in header)
Same as ckan.default.package_type, but for groups.
Default value: organization
Default type of group that used in UI links(eg. “New Organization” button, “Organizations” link in header)
Same as ckan.default.package_type, but for organizations.
Storage Settings
ckan.storage_path = /var/lib/ckan/default
Default value: none
This defines the location of where CKAN will store all uploaded data.
ckan.max_resource_size = 100
Default value: 10
The maximum in megabytes a resources upload can be.
ckan.max_image_size = 10
Default value: 2
The maximum in megabytes an image upload can be.
Uploader Settings
ckan.upload.user.types = image text
Default value: image
File types allowed to upload as user’s avatar. If empty and ckan.upload.user.mimetypes is also empty, no uploads are allowed. To allow any kind of file upload, use the *
string in both options (this is dangerous and not recommended). Note also that text/svg
can contain embedded javascript code so it only should be used in trusted environments.
ckan.upload.user.mimetypes = image/png
Default value: image/png image/gif image/jpeg
File MIMETypes allowed to upload as user’s avatar. If empty and ckan.upload.user.types is also empty, no uploads are allowed. To allow any kind of file upload, use the *
string in both options (this is dangerous and not recommended).
Example: = image text
Default value: image
File types allowed to upload as group or organization image. If empty and is also empty, no uploads are allowed. To allow any kind of file upload, use the *
string in both options (this is dangerous and not recommended).
Example: = image/png
Default value: image/png image/gif image/jpeg
File MIMEtypes allowed to upload as group or organization image. If empty and is also empty, no uploads are allowed. To allow any kind of file upload, use the *
string in both options (this is dangerous and not recommended). Note also that text/svg
can contain embedded javascript code so it only should be used in trusted environments.
Webassets Settings
ckan.webassets.path = /var/lib/ckan/webassets
Default value: none
In order to increase performance, static assets (CSS and JS files) included via an asset
tag inside templates are compiled only once,
when the asset is used for the first time. All subsequent requests to the
asset will use the existing file. CKAN stores the compiled webassets in the file system, in the path specified by this config option.
ckan.webassets.url = /serve/assets/from/here
Default value: /webassets
URL path for endpoint that serves webassets.
ckan.webassets.use_x_sendfile = True
Default value: False
When serving static files, if this setting is True
, the applicatin will set the X-Sendfile
header instead of
serving the files directly with Flask. This will increase performance when serving the assets, but it
requires that the web server (eg Nginx) supports the X-Sendfile
header. See X-Sendfile for more information.
User Settings
ckan.user_list_limit = 50
Default value: 20
This controls the number of users to show in the Users list. By default, it shows 20 users.
ckan.user_reset_landing_page = dataset
Default value: home.index
This controls the page where users will be sent after requesting a password reset. This is ordinarily the home page, but specific sites may prefer somewhere else.
Activity Streams Settings
ckan.activity_streams_enabled = false
Default value: True
Turns on and off the activity streams used to track changes on datasets, groups, users, etc. The activity feature has been moved to a separate activity plugin. To keep showing the activities in the UI and enable the activity related API actions you need to add the activity plugin to the ckan.plugins config option.
ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications = false
Default value: False
Turns on and off the activity streams’ email notifications. You’d also need to setup a cron job to send the emails. For more information, visit Email notifications.
ckan.activity_list_limit = 31
Default value: 31
This controls the number of activities to show in the Activity Stream.
ckan.activity_list_limit_max = 100
Default value: 100
Maximum allowed value for Activity Stream limit
ckan.email_notifications_since = 2 days
Default value: 2 days
Email notifications for events older than this time delta will not be sent. Accepted formats: ‘2 days’, ‘14 days’, ‘4:35:00’ (hours, minutes, seconds), ‘7 days, 3:23:34’, etc.
ckan.hide_activity_from_users = sysadmin
Default value: none
Hides activity from the specified users from activity stream. If unspecified, it’ll use ckan.site_id to hide activity by the site user. The site user is a sysadmin user on every ckan user with a username that’s equal to ckan.site_id. This user is used by ckan for performing actions from the command-line.
Feeds Settings
Example: = 2012-03-22
Default value: none
A string representing the default date on which the authority_name is owned by the publisher of the feed.
Default value: 20
Number of items returned in the feeds
Internationalisation Settings
ckan.locale_default = de
Default value: en
Use this to specify the locale (language of the text) displayed in the CKAN Web UI. This requires a suitable mo file installed for the locale in the ckan/i18n. For more information on internationalization, see Translating CKAN. If you don’t specify a default locale, then it will default to the first locale offered, which is by default English (alter that with ckan.locales_offered and ckan.locales_filtered_out.
ckan.locales_offered = en de fr
Default value: none
By default, all locales found in the ckan/i18n
directory will be
offered to the user. To only offer a subset of these, list them under
this option. The ordering of the locales is preserved when offered to
the user.
ckan.locales_filtered_out = pl ru
Default value: none
If you want to not offer particular locales to the user, then list them here to have them removed from the options.
ckan.locale_order = fr de
Default value: none
If you want to specify the ordering of all or some of the locales as they are offered to the user, then specify them here in the required order. Any locales that are available but not specified in this option, will still be offered at the end of the list.
ckan.i18n_directory = /opt/locales/i18n/
Default value: none
By default, the locales are searched for in the ckan/i18n
directory. Use this option if you want to use another folder.
ckan.i18n.extra_directory = /opt/ckan/extra_translations/
Default value: none
If you wish to add extra translation strings and have them merged with the default ckan translations at runtime you can specify the location of the extra translations using this option.
ckan.i18n.extra_gettext_domain = mydomain
Default value: none
You can specify the name of the gettext domain of the extra translations. For
example if your translations are stored as
you would want to set this option
to somedomain
ckan.i18n.extra_locales = fr es de
Default value: none
If you have set an extra i18n directory using ckan.i18n.extra_directory
, you
should specify the locales that have been translated in that directory in this
ckan.i18n.rtl_languages = he ar fa_IR
Default value: he ar fa_IR
Allows to modify the right-to-left languages
ckan.i18n.rtl_theme = my-extension/my-custom-rtl-asset
Default value: css/main-rtl
Allows to override the default rtl asset used for the languages defined
in ckan.i18n.rtl_languages
ckan.display_timezone = Europe/Zurich
Default value: UTC
By default, all datetimes are considered to be in the UTC timezone. Use this option to change the displayed dates on the frontend. Internally, the dates are always saved as UTC. This option only changes the way the dates are displayed.
The valid values for this options [can be found at
). You can specify the special value server
to use the timezone settings of the server, that is running CKAN.
ckan.root_path = /my/custom/path/{{LANG}}/foo
Default value: none
This setting is used to construct URLs inside CKAN. It specifies two things:
At which path CKAN is mounted: By default it is assumed that CKAN is mounted at
, i.e. at the root of your web server. If you have configured your web server to serve CKAN from a different mount point then you need to duplicate that setting here.Where the locale is added to an URL: By default, URLs are formatted as
when using the default locale, or/de/some/url
when using thede
locale, for example. Whenckan.root_path
is set it must include the string{{LANG}}
, which will be replaced by the locale.
The setting must contain {{LANG}}
exactly as written here. Do not add
spaces between the brackets.
See also
The host of your CKAN installation can be set via ckan.site_url.
ckan.resource_formats = /path/to/resource_formats
Default value: /<CKAN_ROOT>/ckan/config/resource_formats.json
The purpose of this file is to supply a thorough list of resource formats and to make sure the formats are normalized when saved to the database and presented.
The format of the file is a JSON object with following format:
["Format", "Description", "Mimetype", ["List of alternative representations"]]
Please look in ckan/config/resource_formats.json for full details and and as an example.
Form Settings
ckan.dataset.create_on_ui_requires_resources = false
Default value: True
If False, there is no need to add any resources when creating a new dataset.
Default value: none
The URL to redirect the user to after they’ve submitted a new package form, example:
package_new_return_url =<NAME>
This is useful for integrating CKAN’s new dataset form into a third-party interface, see Form Integration.
The <NAME>
string is replaced with the name of the dataset created.
Default value: none
The URL to redirect the user to after they’ve submitted an edit package form, example:
package_edit_return_url =<NAME>
This is useful for integrating CKAN’s edit dataset form into a third-party interface, see Form Integration.
The <NAME>
string is replaced with the name of the dataset that was edited.
licenses_group_url = file:///path/to/my/local/json-list-of-licenses.json
Default value: none
A url pointing to a JSON file containing a list of license objects. This list determines the licenses offered by the system to users, for example when creating or editing a dataset.
This is entirely optional - by default, the system will use an internal cached version of the CKAN list of licenses available from the
More details about the license objects - including the license format and some example license lists - can be found at the Open Licenses Service.
Email settings
smtp.server =
Default value: localhost
The SMTP server to connect to when sending emails with optional port.
smtp.starttls = true
Default value: False
Whether or not to use STARTTLS when connecting to the SMTP server.
smtp.user =
Default value: none
The username used to authenticate with the SMTP server.
smtp.password = yourpass
Default value: none
The password used to authenticate with the SMTP server.
smtp.mail_from =
Default value: none
The email address that emails sent by CKAN will come from. Note that, if left blank, the SMTP server may insert its own.
smtp.reply_to =
Default value: none
The email address that will be used if someone attempts to reply to a system email.
If left blank, no Reply-to
will be added to the email and the value of
will be used.
email_to =
Default value: none
This controls where the error messages will be sent to.
error_email_from =
Default value: none
This controls from which email the error messages will come from.
Background Job Settings
Default value: 180
The option defines the timeout in seconds until giving up on a job
Resource Proxy settings
ckan.resource_proxy.max_file_size = 1048576
Default value: 1048576
This sets the upper file size limit for in-line previews. Increasing the value allows CKAN to preview larger files (e.g. PDFs) in-line; however, a higher value might cause time-outs, or unresponsive browsers for CKAN users with lower bandwidth.
ckan.resource_proxy.chunk_size = 8192
Default value: 4096
This sets size of the chunk to read and write when proxying. Raising this value might save some CPU cycles. It makes no sense to lower it below the page size, which is default.
Default value: 5
Timeout in seconds to use on Resource Proxy requests.
text_view settings
ckan.preview.text_formats = txt plain
Default value: text/plain txt plain
Space-delimited list of plain text based resource formats that will be rendered by the Text view plugin
ckan.preview.xml_formats = xml rdf rss
Default value: xml rdf rdf+xml owl+xml atom rss
Space-delimited list of XML based resource formats that will be rendered by the Text view plugin
ckan.preview.json_formats = json
Default value: json
Space-delimited list of JSON based resource formats that will be rendered by the Text view plugin
Default value: jsonp
Space-delimited list of JSONP based resource formats that will be rendered by the Text view plugin
image_view settings
ckan.preview.image_formats = png jpeg jpg gif
Default value: png jpeg jpg gif
Space-delimited list of image-based resource formats that will be rendered by the Image view plugin
datatables_view settings
ckan.datatables.page_length_choices = 20 50 100 500 1000 5000
Default value: 20 50 100 500 1000
Space-delimited list of the choices for the number of rows per page, with the lowest value being the default initial value.
On larger screens, DataTables view will attempt to fill the table with as many rows that can fit using the lowest closest choice.
ckan.datatables.state_saving = false
Default value: True
Enable or disable state saving. When enabled, DataTables view will store state information such as pagination position, page length, row selection/s, column visibility/ordering, filtering and sorting using the browser’s localStorage. When the end user reloads the page, the table’s state will be altered to match what they had previously set up.
This also enables/disables the “Reset” and “Share current view” buttons. “Reset” discards the saved state. “Share current view” base-64 encodes the state and passes it as a url parameter, acting like a “saved search” that can be used for embedding and sharing table searches.
ckan.datatables.state_duration = 86400
Default value: 7200
Duration (in seconds) for which the saved state information is considered valid. After this period has elapsed, the table’s state will be returned to the default, and the state cleared from the browser’s localStorage.
The value 0
is a special value as it indicates that the
state can be stored and retrieved indefinitely with no time limit.
ckan.datatables.data_dictionary_labels = false
Default value: True
Enable or disable data dictionary integration. When enabled, a column’s data dictionary label will be used in the table header. A tooltip for each column with data dictionary information will also be integrated into the header.
ckan.datatables.ellipsis_length = 100
Default value: 100
The maximum number of characters to show in a cell before it is truncated. An ellipsis (…) will be added at the truncation point and the full text of the cell will be available as a tooltip. This value can be overridden at the resource level when configuring a DataTables resource view.
The value 0
is a special value as it indicates that the
column’s width will be determined by the column name, and cell content
will word-wrap.
ckan.datatables.date_format = YYYY-MM-DD dd ww
Default value: llll
The moment.js date format to use to convert raw timestamps to a user-friendly date format using CKAN’s current locale language code. This value can be overridden at the resource level when configuring a DataTables resource view.
The value NONE
is a special value as it indicates that no
date formatting will be applied and the raw ISO-8601 timestamp will be
ckan.datatables.default_view = list
Default value: table
Indicates the default view mode of the DataTable (valid values: table
or list
). Table view is the typical grid layout, with horizontal
scrolling. List view is a responsive table, automatically hiding columns
as required to fit the browser viewport. In addition, list view allows
the user to view, copy and print the details of a specific row. This
value can be overridden at the resource level when configuring a
DataTables resource view.
ckan.datatables.null_label = N/A
Default value: none
The option defines the label used to display NoneType values for the front-end. This should be a string and can be translated via po files.
Datastore settings
ckan.datastore.write_url = postgresql://ckanuser:pass@localhost/datastore
Default value: postgresql://ckan_default:pass@localhost/datastore_default
The database connection to use for writing to the datastore (this can be ignored if you’re not using the DataStore extension). Note that the database used should not be the same as the normal CKAN database. The format is the same as in sqlalchemy.url.
ckan.datastore.read_url = postgresql://readonlyuser:pass@localhost/datastore
Default value: postgresql://datastore_default:pass@localhost/datastore_default
The database connection to use for reading from the datastore (this can be ignored if you’re not using the DataStore extension). The database used must be the same used in ckan.datastore.write_url, but the user should be one with read permissions only. The format is the same as in sqlalchemy.url.
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.allowed_functions_file = /path/to/my_allowed_functions.txt
Default value: /<CKAN_ROOT>/ckanext/datastore/allowed_functions.txt
Allows to define the path to a text file listing the SQL functions that should be allowed to run
on queries sent to the datastore_search_sql()
(if enabled, see ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled). Function names should be listed one on
each line, eg:
ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled = true
Default value: False
This option allows you to enable the datastore_search_sql()
action function, and corresponding API endpoint.
This action function has protections from abuse including:
parsing of the query to prevent unsafe functions from being called, see ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.allowed_functions_file
parsing of the query to prevent multiple statements
prevention of data modification by using a read-only database role
use of
to resolve tables accessed in the query to check against user permissionsuse of a statement timeout to prevent queries from running indefinitely
These protections offer some safety but are not designed to prevent all types of abuse. Depending on the sensitivity of private data in your datastore and the likelihood of abuse of your site you may choose to disable this action function or restrict its use with a IAuthFunctions
Example: = 1000
Default value: 100
Default number of rows returned by datastore_search
, unless the client
specifies a different limit
(up to
NB this setting does not affect datastore_search_sql
Example: = 1000000
Default value: 32000
Maximum allowed value for the number of rows returned by the datastore.
Specifically this limits:
queries have this limit inserted.
Default value: none
Custom sqlalchemy config parameters used to establish the DataStore database connection.
To get the list of all the available properties check the SQLAlchemy documentation
ckan.datastore.default_fts_lang = english
Default value: english
The default language used when creating full-text search indexes and querying them. It can be overwritten by the user by passing the “lang” parameter to “datastore_search” and “datastore_create”.
ckan.datastore.default_fts_index_method = gist
Default value: gist
The default method used when creating full-text search indexes. Currently it can be “gin” or “gist”. Refer to PostgreSQL’s documentation to understand the characteristics of each one and pick the best for your instance.
Default value: text tsvector
A separate full-text search index will be created by default for fields with these types, and used when searching on fields by passing a dictionary to the datastore_search q parameter. Indexes increase the time and disk space required to load data into the DataStore.
Datapusher settings
ckan.datapusher.formats = csv xls
Default value: csv xls xlsx tsv application/csv application/ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet ods application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
File formats that will be pushed to the DataStore by the DataPusher. When adding or editing a resource which links to a file in one of these formats, the DataPusher will automatically try to import its contents to the DataStore.
ckan.datapusher.url =
Default value: none
DataPusher endpoint to use when enabling the datapusher
extension. If you installed CKAN via Installing CKAN from package, the DataPusher was installed for you running on port 8800. If you want to manually install the DataPusher, follow the installation instructions.
Default value: none
Starting from CKAN 2.10, DataPusher requires a valid API token to operate (see Authentication and API tokens), and will fail to start if this option is not set.
ckan.datapusher.callback_url_base = http://ckan:5000/
Default value: none
Alternative callback URL for DataPusher when performing a request to CKAN. This is useful on scenarios where the host where DataPusher is running can not access the public CKAN site URL.
ckan.datapusher.assume_task_stale_after = 86400
Default value: 3600
In case a DataPusher task gets stuck and fails to recover, this is the minimum amount of time (in seconds) after a resource is submitted to DataPusher that the resource can be submitted again.