Maintenance tools

This section describes tools and automations used by the development team to help in the maintenance of the CKAN source and repositories.

The ckanbot GitHub account

For actions that need to be authenticated in the CKAN GitHub repository, we don’t use personal accounts but rather a dedicated automated account, @ckanbot.

This account has only write access to specific repositories needed, given via the ckanbot team of the ckan organization.

Automated backports actions


The backports action was added on April 2024

To avoid havig to manually backport merged pull requests (PR) to release branches once these are merged, a new GitHub Action (configuration file) was added to automate this process whenever possible.

The behaviour of this action is the following:

  • When a PR that has a label with the pattern Backport <branch> is merged, it will trigger a backport action

  • If the PR commits merge cleanly into the target branch, a new PR will be created against it, assigned to the same user as the merged one. The usual checks will be run on the new PR

  • If the commits don’t merge cleanly, a comment will be posted on the orginal PR with the manual commands to fix the conflicts, and the PR will be labelled with “Backport failed”

  • Additionally, Tech Team members can trigger a backport on open or already closed PRs adding a comment starting with /backport (and adding the relevant label)

There are two repository variables and a repository secret needed to run the action (check the documentation on how to set up these):

  • The public variable TECH_TEAM_USER_IDS is a JSON list of the GitHub user ids of the Tech Team members. User ids can be found using the<user_name> endpoint.

  • The public variable CKANBOT_USER_ID is the user id of the The ckanbot GitHub account.

  • The secret BACKPORT_ACTION_PAT is a Personal Access Token (PAT) of the ckanbot account, with enough permissions to write to the ckan/ckan repository.

When creating a new PAT, make sure to select the following settings:

  • Token name: backports_action

  • Expiration: set it at something reasonable like 1 year

  • Resource owner: ckan organization

  • Repository access: Only select repositories (select ckan/ckan)

  • Repository permissions: Select Content (Read and Write) and Pull Requests (Read and Write)

Once generated the token, it will have to be approved by someone with permissions in the @ckan organization (by going to Settings > Third-party Access > Personal access tokens > Pending requests).

Automatic publishing to PyPI


Automatic publishing to PyPI was added on November 2024

The main CKAN repo has a GitHub workflow that allows to publish to

  • PyPI when a tag is pushed

  • Test PyPI when a PR is merged (Using allows us to check that the workflow is healthy).

Besides the workflow file there are two additional configurations needed: